The game was published by Atari and was scheduled for the summer of 2012 but the release date was later changed to November. The release includes remastered versions of both Baldur's Gate and its expansion pack, Tales of the Sword Coast. Overhaul Games is also working on the enhanced edition of Baldur's Gate II, planning its release in 2013, after the release of Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition. Overhaul Games stated that the games are more than just remakes of the classic RPG and that there are many differences between the two versions.Downloadable content will be made available, as well as the ability to mod the game. Overhaul Games decided to add an autoupdate function to the game and also to modify it based on suggestions made by users.Beamdog stated that the Overhaul team had added over 400 improvements to the original game.
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